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Tazkirah v14.0 - The most powerful weapon for Muslims: the doa

Assalamualikum and good morning to my great teacher sir hassan and my friends.All praise is due to Allah (SWT), the Almighty. We all praise Him, seek His Help, and ask His Forgiveness. We seek refuge with Him from the evil of our souls, and from our sinful deeds. He whom Allah (SWT) guides, no one can misguide him, and whoever Allah (SWT) misguides, no one can guide him. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah (SWT), and I bear witness that Muhammad (pbuh) is truly His servant and Messenger.

As for today’s tazkirah, I humbly would like to share with all of you the benefits of the most powerful weapon for Muslims: the doa. As we know doa or supplication in Islam is one of the most beautiful and profound aspects of worship. It is a direct channel to communicate personally with your Creator, Who is ever Present, and ever ready to Respond. It is amazing to see how great doa really is. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “In the court of Allah, there is no greater thing than Doa” (Ibn Majah). Thus, it will be greater when we perform doa while we observe fasting during Ramadan.

Here are the benefits of doa:
1. The loss of arrogance – For someone that makes constant doa, arrogance is something that is not among their characteristics because when one beseeches Allah, he is affirming his own powerlessness
2. The fulfillment of the doa– You get what you wanted. For the people that sometimes see that their doas are not being accepted, there is either the option that the doa will be accepted later on in this life or in the Hereafter or the option that the doa will accepted by other means as one
3. The doors of mercy are opened – Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the Prophet said, “For whoever the door of doa opened, for him the doors of mercy are opened..
4. It has the power to change destiny (only the minor Qadr – not major ones such as the signs of the Day of Judgment) – Salman Farsi narrated that the Prophet said, “Doa turns away destiny and good deeds lengthen age (At- Tirmizi).

So let us not waste any time in this holy month and let us utilize this month wisely by increasing in our doa to the One who responds to all supplications. When you break your fast at the time of iftar, make doa .When you perform your prayer in the nights of Ramadan, make doa. When you are in the masjid, make doa.

I ask Allah; the most high that He blesses us in Ramadan and that He allows us to increase in our doa within this virtuous month.


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